2015, the beginning!

Here are some of the cards that I had made in 2015 when I first started making cards.  I would surf Youtube and Pinterest for ideas, techniques, and styles, so some of these may look like designs created by others. Forgive the rough photography.  I had never planned on them being on a Blog.  I just wanted to keep pictures for my self.

 These are my first two cards.  As you can see I didn't have much in the way of supplies.  I think the greeting was computer generated.  The circle was cut with one of the most awkward cutting tools I've ever used! Notice the lady bug? That was my first die.  The elephant and flower were freehand drawn, cut out, then layered.

 A couple of new embellishments, a new edge punch, and some digital papers, yeah....I'm already hooked.  I even tried a few quilled pieces that I had made.
I just have to say....I am so thankful for my Husband,  he's been behind me since day one, encouraging me, supporting me, & rooting me on!

 This one was special, our Grandmother's 100th birthday!  I needed to make this extra special!  So, I learned another skill....making & inking my own flowers. They are time consuming, but SO worth the effort!

Christmas time...Easily one of my favorite times of the year. I remember when the kids were small we always made ornaments! One new one for our tree, and more to give out in baskets.  Thankfully, they still do this with their children.
So, my Christmas card the first year had to be a little special.  What's better than incorporating origami?!

These are just a few highlights of my first year making cards.  It's been a fun journey!  Learning new skills, meeting new people, amassing tons of fun things to make more cards with, surprising friends, etc, etc! I hope the fun never ends!