Monday, July 30, 2018

Paper Benders.....The beginning

Ok this is the start.  I really can't believe I've made it this far!

Saturday night, while talking to my husband, I expressed a desire to expand with my card making.  We discussed it, but I really didn't have any specific direction to go.  Sunday, I opened faceBook, got on my new favorite page (Karen Burnistons Pop-Up Peeps), and found that they were looking for a couple of new design team members! WOW!

I couldn't believe this! I looked up the ad, read it, almost cried, then picked my self up and said "You can do this girl!"

One of the requirements was to have a Blog.  This is where I almost panicked.....a little! =) .  How hard could that be?  Next thing I know, I'm on the phone with my older brother, crying "HELP!"  He tried, and he did help, but let's face it....He wasn't talking "card language," he was talking "computer".....WITH ME!  OH NO!!!

I was a bit overwhelmed with all the info he was giving me, but decided to jump in anyway.  He made it sound kinda easy, and bullet proof. Anybody can do it! He works with these things, it's his problems for....HIM!

 So I'm doing my best to figure things out about setting up my Blog,  and it occurs to me that even the "help" menu isn't helping!  There's more directions on the back of a bottle of shampoo! By now, I am panicking!  What to do? I can't keep pestering my brother!  I did what any self respecting NON-computer guru would do.....I took the dogs to the dog park!

On the way to the park, I am running all sorts of scenarios thru my non-computerlike brain.  Then it hits me....YouTube!  Oh blessed be!  There's computer people out there.....willing to help....even me!

So, here I am, one day later....I've managed to figure out enough to get me up and running.  My page still needs some help, but I'm working on it.

I only tell this story so that all of you out there will realize that there is always hope, and hey....It's funny!  You have to be able to laugh at yourself in this world.  One of the most important things I've learned is this:

The second most important thing I've learned is:

Both are true!

Thanks for listening.

ttfn: Karen

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